Saturday, July 16, 2011

That Person is Me

This was written a long time ago in a journal. I was flipping through the journal and i found it. It was written on January  15 20011;

'Today I realized how sad I am to leave, how sad I am to say goodbye to all those friends. Tomorrow I'm leaving. No, I cant believe it, no I don't really want to. Don't get me wrong I really want to see my family and eat American food, but in Africa everything is harder, but in a way better. It doesn't really make sense but Africa is a part of me. I wonder why God lead me to this place, When six months later I would be leaving. I just don't get it.

In Africa we've made some awesome and funny memories. Ive met so many adoptive parents, TONS of boda drivers, and all of the Homeboyz, and lastly I found a more patient person, someone who makes more of an effort to forgive and look past the faults of others, that person is me. I'm glad that I got this far, and now I have to let got guide me.'

When I reread this it brought tears to my eyes. It showed me how changed I am. When I reread this, it showed me how I changed. It showed me more Change than I look back on now. This wasn't a lie but it seems so unreal. I  mean how much can a person change? Not this much, by myself. Then I remembered, it wasn't just me, it was God. and I think that's what made me change. It still seems so unreal, but a lot of things about God seem unreal. am I right?
