Wednesday, December 29, 2010

In in a different way.

One time my grandparents were driving us home from school and my grandpa said "you wanna know how to say lunch in Lugandan?"

Mason shook his head yes.

Me and Autum start laughing and mason has this worried/are you serious look. Then my grandma says "what if your not really moving? What if it's just being wiling?"

In my mind I thought I hope not because we have sold everything and have started packing. But know I'm in Africa laying on a 2" bed and I'm happy. Not happy like "I went to an amazing youth event then ate pizza to my hearts desire" no but in a different grateful for what I have way. But this is only going to last 3 more weeks. I hope to make them the best yet.


True xmas

The truest meaning of Christmas,

Christmas: getting presents and eating dessert.

True meaning of Christmas: giving not receiving.

Truest meaning of Christmas: knowing who's birthday it really is.

For Christmas most christians go to the christmas eve service, then go home and whatever. Then on Christmas go through you regular Christmas stuff, but do you stop to think who should really be getting presents. Jesus. But instead we celebrate, we get presents.


"I will bring praise I will bring praise, No weapon formed against me shall remain."

These are some lyrics to a song. They are so real and so true. It's says to me "I will praise you and nothing can stand between God and me. And no matter what happens I will always praise you." Nothing can take you away from God. Nothing. You may feel so alone but your not. No person is without God, and God loves you. No matter what sin you commit He still loves you.


Oweeno (I think that's how it's spelled)

Oweeno is this outdoor clothes and vegetable market. It is cool but it has this smell, a smell I cannot describe, it's just the Oweeno smell. It is extremely crowded and busy, but those are just the bad things. You can get a great bargain on jeans, shirts, Indian outfits, african outfits, they have a lot of things!! Most mzungo's that visit don't got there because they usually come to adopt babies and are only here for a short while but all the cool missionaries shop there. Haha. It's the closest thing to an actual clothes store.


Friday, December 3, 2010

Needy Randomness

 Have you ever been hungry? Well for some people you go to the kitchen and get food right? No, not for most people in this needy world.
    Do you have a closet full of clothes? Maybe... Maybe you have 3+ outfits, your blessed. Most people in this needy world have one outfit, maybe that and an extra shirt.
I could go on for a while but I'm going to leave it at that. Most Americans have more than they need. In the movie Book of Eli this man was describing what the world used to be like he said "People had more than they needed..." I heard this and thought of those greedy Americans who DO have more than they need, I'm trying not judge, but how can you not feel greedy when there are so many orphans and widows and homeless people who have nothing? Yes it's kinda rude for me to say this but it's just how it is. You can change it but you CHOOSE to ignore the need, you CHOOSE to get that new shirt that cost 10 bucks when it could feed many, but you CAN'T CHOOSE how blessed you are, yet you may see the need and again ignore it.  I'm going to try to image this for ya...
Imagine you live in a house the has no running water and no electricity. (okay not so bad you can deal) you eat 1 meal a day. (oh geez) an it's posho (flour and water) and a couple tablespoons of beans (gross!!!) and you have a dirty shirt and some holy shorts (I can't even wear my clothes twice!!!)

    It seems hard right? Well this is daily life for some people. Definitely makes me feel guilty. How about you? My point of this blog was not to make you feel crappy, but to explain and inform.

 "I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty,and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger, and you took me into your home" Matthew 25:35

This is how you should live.

I'm going to miss...

This is a list of things I am REALLY going to miss in Africa.
•auntie Harriet
•Jon Mary
•boda rides (motorcycle taxi)
•cheap and healthy baking supplies
•not expensive candy
•being able to walk down the road and be greeted
•getting 3000 ($1.50)shillings for allowance and buying a ton with it.
•the huge avocados
•I just am gonna miss it all!

Another list of things I'm NOT going to miss
•cars always blowing exhaust at you
•squat pots (hole in the ground bathroom)

Ameica is so different compared to Africa.There is good stuff and bad stuff. Africa has grown on me. I'm definitely going to miss it.


Everything is harder in Africa

In Africa everything is harder.
For instance you want a to go get dressed, seems simple right? No, not in Africa where you have to where a pong skirt if your a grown lady, and you can't where shorts shorter than you knees.

You want to bake a cake, easy except you have to make it from scratch and you have to have an oven (or in my case a crock-pot).

You want to make a burrito you have to mash your own beans an either buy chapatti (African tortilla) or make you own tortilla.

Life here is just so much harder. Me and my family are so blessed, and Africa is hard for us not just because if we are Americans in Africa but we try to live like everyone else. When I feel like giving up because Africa is hard I think of all those people who use coal stoves and live in a shack or hut with no power and running water. It's hard to imagine but this is live for a lot of people. Next time you feel ungrateful remember how blessed you are.
