Friday, December 3, 2010

Everything is harder in Africa

In Africa everything is harder.
For instance you want a to go get dressed, seems simple right? No, not in Africa where you have to where a pong skirt if your a grown lady, and you can't where shorts shorter than you knees.

You want to bake a cake, easy except you have to make it from scratch and you have to have an oven (or in my case a crock-pot).

You want to make a burrito you have to mash your own beans an either buy chapatti (African tortilla) or make you own tortilla.

Life here is just so much harder. Me and my family are so blessed, and Africa is hard for us not just because if we are Americans in Africa but we try to live like everyone else. When I feel like giving up because Africa is hard I think of all those people who use coal stoves and live in a shack or hut with no power and running water. It's hard to imagine but this is live for a lot of people. Next time you feel ungrateful remember how blessed you are.


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