Wednesday, March 30, 2011

To give it all....

"So I'll stand with arms wide and heart abandon. In awe of the one who gave it all. so ill stand my soul to you surrendered, all I am is yours..."

I have heard this so many times and it never ceases to touch my heart. These words are so real and true. I feel like I have given everything to God but I really haven't. There Is stuff I want to keep from God, but I cant. Their is no escaping his love or him.
Lately I have been trying to give everything to him. If I feel angry to pray and give it all to give Him all my emotions. It's is so hard to give everything to him. You know how you tell you best friend everything except that one little thing? I want to be able to give it ALL to Him not 90% but 100%. People see me as the crazy christian who went to Africa. I don't feel like that sometimes, well its hard to forget that we went but what I mean is, I'm just another person who lives for God. I'm never going to be worthy of His love or His mercy, but He gave it to us anyways. WHY? Because he loves us. I don't know why he would love crazy sinners but God is God right?


Monday, March 21, 2011


Obedience is important whether your 2 or 20. I say this because i have a lot of siblings, and its pretty hard to live in a comfortable environment when no one is listening and everyone is running umuck. It's also an important skill for when your an adult because if you don't listen you cant earn money, blah, blah, blah... Anyways its pretty important, and personally I'm a talker NOT a listener. So really following orders isn't really easy for me. Sometimes its just about biting my tongue. This is what the bible says about obedience:

"Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured
possession. Although the whole earth is mine, 6youa will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation."

That's sounds pretty good to me, just for obedience. God is good eh?


Friday, March 11, 2011

Who would have thought?

Who would have thought I would be here right now, sitting on my bed thinking of all those I left behind in Uganda. It was like leaving here. So hard and painful. I still ask myself "Would I rather live in America or Africa?" This question still lingers in my head. I think it's not really the location, it's the people. I say that and you would think, "Then why not America?!" Well, I have people I love in both places. It's like choosing over best friends, fricken hard. I definitely don't know why God would push me from place to place, hurting my heart each place. I read this in psalms and its kind of like how I am right now;
"God tested me, he pushed me hard, but he didn’t hand me over to Death."

No I'm not sick, nor dyeing. Instead of death I would say, "God tested me, he pushed me hard, but he didn't leave me."
He didn't leave me. That makes me feel so comforted. I'm never alone no matter what.
Sometimes I wonder what it's like to not have God. It sounds so lame and lonely.
I know it sounds hard and even pointless but if you take the extra minute and ask someone of the would go to church with you, could make all the difference.
